Triumph 1957 Models from Engine # 0945 Parts Book

PREFACE B E FO REord ering par t sfor your mach ine . please read very carefully the instrue– t ions conta ined in the next paragraph. ln a large number of cases, the information given in orders is not sufficient to enable us to identify customers' requirements with cert ainty. Delay is frequentl y occasioned by our having to refer the orde r back for further particulars before we can supply. HOW TO ORDER. Every part is indicated by number , and this should be quote d togeth er with the description. ln orde r to assist customers, dimensions have been given in many cases where parts are sim i lar. Parts where possible have been listed in order of assembly and a number of the illustratio ns show the assembly order also. With these aids there should be no difficulty in identifying the parts you require. Always hèad your order with the engine number, stamp ed on the drive side of the crank case underneath the cylinder flange, together with the prefix letter s. Use a separate sheet for your order if you are sending a letter as well. SPECIMEN ORDER 25/6/57 To Triumph Engineering Co. Ltd., Spares Department , Meriden Works, Al les ley, Coventry. Engine No . ST-200000 Pleas e supply :- 1 - · CP .29/20 • I - E2899 Wm. Smith, la , Ewell Avenue, Ewell, Surrey. Piston Assy. + .020" Guide, inlet valve - *Send C.O.D. +Fot terms of busiriess see page 3. TELEGRAPHIC ORDERS. Orde rs. by telegram should be addressed to "Tru sty 60221 Coventry". They are then te lephoned to us, which prevents delay ln delivery. lt is only necessary to quote part numbers in telegrap hic orders , the descript ion can be omitted . PATTERNS AND PARTS FOR REPAIR. lt Is not necessary to send patter ns if the part number is quote d. The sending of patterns often delays the order as carcel · post or rail takes longer than lette r post. - 2