Triumph 1947 & 48 Models Parts Book

CONDITIONS OF GUARANTEE If a defect ive part or accessory should be found in our mot or cycles, motor cycle combinat ions or sidecars, or in any par t or acces sory supplie d by way of exch ange as before provided, it must be se nt to us CARR IAGE PAID, and accompan ied by an intima tion fro m the owner th at he desir es to have it repaired or exchanged free of charge under our guarant ee and he must also furnish us at the same time with the frame numbe r of th e machine, the date of purchase or the date when the alleged defectiv e par t or accessory was exchanged as the case may be. Failing compliance with the abov e, such ar t icles will lie here at THE RISK OF THE OWN ER, and th is guarantee and any implied guara ntee, warranty or condit ion shall not be enforc eable. REPAIRS Any moto r cycle, motor cycle comb ination or sidecar sent to us to be plated, ename lled or repa ired will be repair ed upon the follow ing conditio ns, i.e., we guarant ee that all prec autions which ar e usual and reasonable ,have been taken by us t o secure ex cellence of materi als and wo rkman ship, such guara ntee to ext end and be in for ce for t hree months only from the time such wo rk sha ll have been ex ecuted, and this gua rant ee is in lieu and in exclusion of all conditions and war rant ies sta tutory or otherw ise and all liabilities what– soever and t he dama ges recover able are limited t o t he cost of any fur th er work which may be necessary to amend and make good the wo rk found t o be defect ive. N'OTICE W e do not appoint agen t sfor the sale on our beha lf of our motor cycles or other goods , but we assign to moto r cycle Dealers ar eas in wh ich we sup ply to such Dea lers exclusively for re -sale in suc h areas. No such Dealer is author ised to tra nsact any business, give any war ranty, make any representation or incur any liability on our beh alf. TRIUMPH ENGINEERING CO. LTD.· Meriden Wo rks, Allesley COVENTRY, ENGLAND 86