Matchless 1955 Super Clubman Parts Book

Bor e 66 rn.rn, Stroke 72.8 rrr.m , Capacity 498 c,c. ES LIST MATCHLESS "SUPER CLUBMAN" VE RTICAL TWIN Compiled and Issued by the Manufacturers · MATCl -ILE SSMOTOR ~Y~LES Registered Offices : PLUMSTEAD ROAD, PLUMSTEAD LONDON, S.E.18 . ENGLAND (Proprie tors: ASSOCIATED MOTOR . CYCLES LIMIT ED) I ! ! Nearest Station : WOOL WI.CH ARSENAL (Southern Region Railway) Factories : BURRAGE GRO VE and MAXEY ROAD PLUMS TEAD,S.E.18 Te legrams and Cables: "MATCHLES S, WOL-L ONDON" Telephone : WOOLWICH 122 3 (7 Lines) Code s: A.B.C. 5th and 6th Edition; Bentley 's; and Private Codes Price: TWO SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE All correspondence to :- MATCHLESS MOTOR CYCLES , PLUM STEAD ROAD, LONDON, S.E. 18