BSA 1946 Models Parts Book

We give th• followin g guatant•• with ß.S.A. Motot Cycle Spar •Patts , in st ead ol th• guatantee iinpli ed hy statute or othetwi••• as to th e qualit y or fitn ess of such patt• lot the putpose lot which th•Y ate intended, anY such iJnpli ed guatantee being in all cas es excluded, not can anY c\aún lot consequential dain~ ges be entertained· W£ GUARAN'.ff.E, subject to the conditions mentioned below, that all precautions which are usual and reasonable have been taken by us to secure e«ellence ol materials and workmanship, but this guarantee is to extend and be in !orce lor six months only from the dale ol purchase, and the damages lor which we make ourselves responsible under this guarantee are limited to the replacement o! anY part which maY bave proved defective. ·f B.5.A· MOTOR CYCLf. SPAl{t, p¡\RîS GlJARANíf.f.. W£ UNDf.R'îAKf., subject to the conditions mentioned below, to make good at anY tirne within six month s anY defects in these respects. As motor cycles are easily liable to derangement by neglect or misuse, this guarantee does not apply to defects caused by we,.r and tear. misuse, or neglect. lhe term "rnisuse" shall include among others the following acts: The attaching ol a sidecar to the rnotor cycle in such a manner as to cause damage or ca\culoted to render the latter unsóle when ridden: the use of a motor cycle or a rnotor cycle and sidecar combined when carrying more persons or a greater weight than they were designed to bear. (lh e2soc.c. and the 3S0c.C. in the "B" group of machines are not designed. fol' siclecar work.) Any B.SA motor cycle sent to us to he replated, re-enamelled, or repaired will be treated upon the sarne conditions as il it were a new motor cycle, i.e., we guarantee that all precautions which are us1ial and reasonable bave been taken by us to secure excellence of material and workmanship, such guarantee to e, tend and be in force lor six mont hs only ho1n the time such work shall have been executed , and this guarantee is in lieu and in exclusion ol any Common Law or statute warranty, and the dainage.s recoverable are limited to the cost ol any further .work which maY be necessary to amend and make good the work found to be defective. \ li a delective pa rt should be found in our motor cycleS it must be sent to our Works •t Small Heath, carriage paid, and be accompanied by an intimation !rom the sender that l,e desires it repaired [ree ol charge under our ßllªrantee, and he must also furnish us at the sarne time with the number ol the machine and engine, which will he found stamped on the seat or head tobe lug and crankcnse respectively, the narne ol the Dealer from whom he purchased, and the elate ol the purchase. Failing compliance with the above no notice will be taken o! anything which may arrive but such articles will lie here at the risk ol the sender, and this guarantee or anY irnp\ied guarantee shall not be enforceable. · . We do not guarantee the specialities ol other fo'rns, such as tyres, electrical equipment, saddles, etc., or o! anY comp0nent part supplied to the order ol the purchaser ditlering [rom our standard specif,cations, whether supplied with our motor cycles or otherwise, coNDlîIONS OF cuA.RA.NîEE- We do not appoint agents lor the sale o! our Motor Cycles or other goods. We assign to Motor Cycle Dealers (styled "R egional" Dealers), who t arry on business on their own account, areas in which they ha.e the exclusive or other right to sell goods purchased from us. A Regional Dealer purchasing !rorn us, or a Sub-Dea ler purchasing !rom him, may, on our \,ehal! (as our agent lor the purpose only) give the guarantee printed above. Ariy such dealer is not authorised to advertise, incur any debts, or transact anY business what· · soever on our account, nor is he authorised, so as to bind us to give anY warrantY or make any representation on our behalf or to sell subject to or with any conditions other than those containecl in such guarantee. tHE îE'RM "A.GENT." .~-·------~-- -~ -·