AJS 1959 Singles & Twins Parts Book

i I !. , ··. ~~ ·"''#., . ' !• . I ·: ·,~ (1) ~ÈPÀIÍ\S. The instructions regarding repairs should be clear and defin ite , otherwise the cost may be grea t er than th at ex pected. W e shali be pleas ed to give estimat esfor repairs if parts are sent t o us for that purpo se. If the estf rnat e is accept ed, no .cha rge is made for the prelim inary examination, but, should it be decided not to have the wo rk car ried out , it may be necessa ryt o make a charge t o cover t he cost of whate ver dismant ling and re-ass embl y may have bee n done to prepare t he est imate . (8) REPAIRS TO PROPRIETARY FITTINGS. We do not re pair carbu retters, chains, electrica l equipment , saddles, spark ing plugs , speedometers and tyres . On page 91 of t he "MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND INS TRUCT ION BOOK" will be found t he names and addresses of t he manufactu rers of the propriet aryequipment we fit, all of whom ser vice and repair equipment they make. (9) PATTERNS . Parts sent to us as patterns, or for repai r, shou ld have attached to them a labe l bear ing the sender's full name and address. The instructions regarding such parts shou ld be sent under separate cover . (IO) GUARANTEE. All parts made by us, and sold as spares, are subject to the same Limited Guarantee as that issued with 'each new motor cycle and that gua rantee is printed in full on page 98·of the "MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND INSTRUCTION BOOK." . (11) INSTRUCTION BOOK . A "MAINTENANCE MANUAL AND INSTRUCTION BOOK " has bee n compi led and published by us. One copy is supp lied free, upon appl ication, wit h each new motor cycle. Replacement copies four shillings each. (12) CORRESPONDENCE . Ou r rout ine is organised int o differen t departmen ts. Therefore de lay cannot be avoided if matt ers relating t o more than one dep artme nt are con taine d in one let ter. Co nsequen t lywhen communicat ing with more than one department it is desirab le to do so on SEPARATE SHEETS. Each sheet should bear the sender 's name and address. IN PARTICULAR, requests for TECHNICAL ADVICE should not be on t he same sheets as ORDERS FOR SPARE PARTS. A·J·S MOTOR CYCLES, PLUMSTEAD, LONDON , S.E.18. THE PRICES OF SPARES DO NOT INCLUDE THE COST OF CARRIAGE NOT E The numbers, in brackets , that appear in the ºDescription" columns relate to the numbered footnotes regarding items so specially indicated, The quantity per machine of each item are entered in the ,.Qty." columns , "R" indi cate s as may be required. The illustr ationsare not to scal e and ar e not necessarily accurate in de tail. Som e it ems ar e not Illustrated. 3 B t•, • , ·'• I I l I ¡- I l · ¡