Triumph 1967 650cc Parts Book

TRIUMPH GUARANTEE 1. ln t his Gua rantee t he word "machine" refer s to the mot or cycle, scooter , mo tor cycle combina tion or sideca r as t h'e"case may be, purchased by the Purchaser'.·· . . . , ln order to obta in the benefit of this Guar antee, t he Purchas er must have correctl ycomple ted th e registrat ion form and ret urned it to us within fourt een days of the pur chase. { . . . 3. W e will supply, free of charg e, a new part in exchan ge for, or , if we consid er repair sufficient, will repair free of charge any part proved wit hin six months of the dat e of purchase of any new machine, (t hree mont hs over seas) or 'wìthl n thr ee months of Its renewal or repair in the case of a part alrea dy ren ewed or repaired, to be defective by reason of our faulty workmanship or mate.rials. We do not underta ke to bear the cost of fit ting such new or repaired·. part or accessory. 4. · Any part consi der ed to be defective must be sent to our Works, carriag.e paid, accompa nied ~Y the . folowing informa tio n:- (a) Name of purchaser and his addres s; (b) Date of purchase of machine; (c) Name of dealer from whom the purchase was made; (d) Engine number and model. 5. This Guarantee shall not extend t o defects or damage appearing after misuse, neglect, abnormal stress or stra in, or t he incorpor ation or affixing of unsu itable attachments or parts and ln part lcular:- l a) · Hiring out; . , · b) Racing and Compet itions; . · . . c) Adaptat ion or alteration of any part or parts after leaving our Works; (d) The attach ing of a sidecar ln a manner not approved by us or to an unsuitabl e moto r· cycle. This Guaran te e shall not ext end to machines whose trade mar k, name or manufacturing number has been altered or removed, or ln whic h has been used any part not supplied or approved by us, or to t yre s, saddles, chains, speedome ters, revolution counters and electrical equipment or to parts supplied to the orde r of t he Purchaser and different from our sta ndard specification. 6. Our liability and t hat of our dealer who sells the machine, shall be limited to that set out ln this guarantee, and no ot her claims Includin g da ims for ·consequent ial damage or Injury to person or property, shall be· adrnlsslble. All other condit ions and warranties statutory or otherwise and whether express or implied ar e hereby excluded and no guarantee other than that expressly here in contained applies to the machine to which thi s Guarantee relates or any accessory or part thereof. 7. We reserve the right t o modify or dev iate from the Published Specification without notice . REPAIRS GUARANTEE . 1. Whilst the highest standard of workmanship and , materials ls -~lmF~·.ª~· we ~annot accept liability for any defects appeari ng more than three months after the ·_machlne;-ä.Ssembly or component has left our Works after being repaired .· · . · · ' · · . 2. We will repa ir or replace at our option free ·of charge any defective work, materials or parts relating to the repairs carried out by us appearing within that time but shall not be under any further or ·other liability for any other loss or damage whether direct or consequential and out liability· shall be limite d to the cost of so making good. We do not undertake to bear the cost of fitting any replacement or re pal red part. . . 3. We do · not accept liability ln respect of parts of proprietary manufacture, e.g. tyres, saddles, chains, speedometers, revolution counters and electrical equipment which may be used by us ln effèctlng a repair. All other conditions and warranties statutory or otherwise expressed or Implied are hereby excluded. 3