Triumph 1973 Hurricane X75 Parts Book

PA.KIST AJ""' PHILIPPINES SABAH SARA\VA K SAUDI ARABIA SYRIA VIETNAM CANADA D0 ~1INICA GRENADA MEXICO U.S.A . BAI-IAMAS BARBADOS BERMUDA. BR . HONDURAS COSTA RICA EL SALVADOR HAITI JAMAICA LEEWARD ISLANDS MARTIN IQUE NICARAGUA PANA MA PUERTO RICO TRINIDAD VIRGIN rs. WINDWARD ISLANDS BOLIVIA BR.AZIL ECUADOR GUYANA PERU URU GUAY VENE ZUELA AUSTRALIA Fl.Tl JS. GUAM NE,.Y CALEDONIA NEW ZEALAND NEWGUINEA SOCIETY IS. TASMANIA TONGA OVERSEAS DISTRIBU TORS ASIA - contd. 111e Universal Engineer ing Co., Wood Street, Nr. Boulton Market , Karachi 2, \V. Pakistan. Hahn-Manila, Hahn Buildin g, Washingt on Avenue, Manila. Hock Hoe Loong, 82, Gaya Str eet, Kot aKinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia . Bf T. Lim&.. Sons, 108, Ewe Hai St reet, Kuching, Sarawak. Al Owaidah Establishment, P.O. Box 114 , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Nazir Hadaya & Company, P.O. Box 868, Damascus, J. M. Mohammed Ismael Fils Aziz & Co., 17 5 /17 9, Duong Tu Do, Saigon, (P.O. Box 216). Peter Mann, P.O. Box 134, Saigon. NORTH AMERICA Ray mon dBurk e Moto rs Limited, P.O. Box 3401, 65, Bessemer Road, London 12, Onta rio. Fred Deeley Limite d, 595 , West 7th Avenue, Vanc ouv er 9, British Columbia. J. Astapha n & Co., (1970) Lt d., P.O. Box 82, Roseau, Dominica. Jo nas Browne & Hubb ard Ltd., St. George s, Grenada. Sr. Juan .T. Faria s, Aparta do 24-321, Mexico City. The Triumph Motor Cycle Corpn., Box 275, 2765, East Huntington Drive, Duarte, Catif., 91010 ,U.S.A. The Triumph Motor Cycle Corpn. , P.O. Box 6790 Towson, Baltim ore, Maryland , 21204, U.S.A. CENTRAL AMER.ICA Na ssau Bicycle Co. P.O. Box 191, Bay and Market Str eets, Nassau. M. G. Tuc ker & Co., Bridgeto wn,Barbados, \ V. Indies. C. E. Youn g & Son s, P.O. Box 446 , Fr ont Street, Hamilton, Bermud a. The Hofius Hardware Co., P.O . Box 226 , Belize City, Br. Hondura s. Oswald von Breyrnann Figueroa, Apart ado 2733, Ave. 7, Casa 127, San Jo se, Costa Rica. Ensam biadora Salvadore na, Blvd. Venez uela l 15 5, San Salvador , El Salvador, C.A. Georges Benjam in, Box No. 55, 4-5 Streets, Hait ien, Haiti. Hand-Arnold (] amaica) Lt d., P. O. Box 57, 154, Marcus Garvey Drive, Kingston 11, .T amaica. A.. M. Losada Limited , Bank Street .Basseterre, St.Kitts , West Indies. J. .T. Sweeney, St urge Park, Ply in ou th, Montserr at,Leewar d Islands. Theolade Fr eres, P.O. Box 164, 42 Rue Lama r tine, Fort de Fra nce. Julio Martinez Repuestos, S.A. Apartado 1949, Managua. Ens amb Iadora Nicaraguese de Mo toei eile tas, Apartad o 1949, Managu a. Motores Nacionales S.A., Av. J. Foo de la Casa No. 21, Apartad o No. 3130, Pan ama, Rep. of Panama. M. P. Sherrnan, P.O. Box 5 80, 19 Morell Campo sSt reet ,Mayaguez. J. K. Bayne Limited, 19, Richmond St reet , P.O. Box 323, Por t-of -Spain ,Trinidad . Ted Stupple Moto rcycl es, Galleon House, St. Thomas, Virgi n Islands, 0080 1. Fred .J. Dare, P.O. Box 11, St. Vincent, Windw ard Islands. Jo nas Brown e & Hubb ard Limited, St. Geor ge's, Grenada, Windward Island s. SOUTH Al\1ERICA Mart in Y Cía S.A., Casilla 1467, La Paz. Trevo Engenhari aI ndustria e Comercio Lt da., Avenida Nilo Pecanha 12 Sala 1201, Rio de Janeiro. Guanabar a,Brazil. Ing. Ern esto Mateus, Calle de Murillo, Box 2141, Quito. I-lack's Cycle Sto re Limit ed, 5, Comm erceStreet , Georgeto wn, Dernerara. Eduard o Dibos, Av. Guillermo Dansey 846, Lima. Pike & Cia. S.A., P.O. Box 794, Av. Gral. Rondeau 2170 , Monte video. Derly S.A .. Sierra 2121, Montevideo. Moto Palace C.A., Edif. Ono! - Av. el Progreso, Urb las Acacias, Carac as. A USTR.ALASIA Hazell & Moore Indu stries Pty. Ltd., 36/38, Camp bell St reet , Sydney, N.S.\V., 2000. Morgan & Wacker (Pty) Ltd., P.O. Box 4, 64, Ross Str eet, News tea d, Brisbane, Queensland, 4006 . Mortlock Saies & Service, 914, Hay Street, Pert h, 'Western Austr alia. Taylor 's(Wholes ale) Pty. Ltd. , 27, Gilbert St reet, Adelaide, South Austr alia. .Jack Veal's Motor Cycles Pty. Ltd ., 9, Daly Str eet, Darwin , Northe rnTerritory. Stinson 's Limit ed, P.O. Box 240, Suva. Worldw ide Corporat ion,P.O. Box 3250, Agana, Guam, U.S.A. 969 10. Paul Lopp ais, Angle des rues J. Jaures et G. Clemenceau, Noumea. Percy Coleman & Co. Ltd ., P.O. Box 11, Wanganui . Wm. White (Wholesale) Ltd ., P.O. Box 9116, 287, Broadway, Newmarke t,Auckland, S.E.l. Velvin & Hende rson (Wholesale) Lt d., 112, Mancheste r St reet ,Chr istchurch l. Ela Motor sLimit ed, Car Sales Division, P.O. Box 91, Lae, T.P.N.G. Ela Motors Limit ed, P.O. Box 7 5, The B.N.G. Building Musgrave Street, Port Moresby, T.P.N.G. Ets. Dona ld Ta hiti ,Papee te. Bilyard's & King's Cycle s, 125, Elizabeth Street, Hobar t. Burns Philp (Sou th Sea) Ltd., Nukaluofa, Ton ga Islands. 81