Triumph 1939-40 Models Parts Book
Copy of Guaran t ee • given to Triumph Dealers . W E eìo not ap point agen t s for th e sale of our mot or cycles or ot her goods. Vve assign t o Mot or Cycle Dealers, who ca rry on bu sine ss on th eir O\Vn accoun t , areas, in whi ch they ha ve th e exc lusive or oth er rig hts to sell goods pu rchased by them fr om us .. A De aler pur ch asing from us or a Sub-D ea ler purch asing from him, may assign to · his pur chaser th e of the guar ante p rinted below. Any such dea ler is not authorised t o advert ise, incur any deb t s, or t ransa ct any busi ness what soever on our accou nt; nor is he aut horised , so as t o bind us, t o give any warr anty or ma ke any rep resent ati on or ma ke or agree to any con dit ion on our behalf. We give the following guaran tee with our mot or cycles, motor cycl e combin at ions and sideca rs, which is given in p lace of any condition s, warrant ies or liabilit ies whatsoever ,imp lied by Iaw , implied at th e place of ma nufa ct ureand /or at t he pla ce of sale, all such impli ed con ditions, war ran ties , and liabiliti es being in all cases excluded . Any stat emen t ,descrip tion, cond iti on or repr esent atio ncont ained in our cat alogue, or in any adv ert isement ,leaflet or ot her public at ion s hall not be cons tr ued as enlarg ing, va ry ing or overr iding t his gua rvnt ee. In the cas e of machi nes wh ich have been used for " hirin g out 1' pur poses, or any motor cyc le a.nd /or sideca r used for an y dirt t rac k, cinder track or grass trac k, ra cing or compe t it ions (or any compet it ion of any kind within an encl osure for which a cha rg e is mad e for admi ssion t o tak e part in or view th e com pet itio n), or from whi ch our t rade mark or manuf act uringnumber has been remove d, no war rant y or conditi onof any kin d is giv en or is t o be imp lied. We guarante e,suh ject t o t he conditions mentione dbelow, that all precautions which are usual and r easona ble ha ve been taken by us to secure excellence of ma te rial s an d workma nship, but thi s guarantee is to extend and be in force for six mon ths on ly fr om da te of deliv ery an d damag es for whi ch we make our selves responsi ble unde r t his guara nt ee ar e limited to t he free supply of a new pa rt in exchange for t he- pa rt of the moto r cycle, moto r cycle combin ation or sideca r which may ha ve proved defectiv e. vVe do not un dert ak eto r ep lace or r efìx or bear the cost of rep laci ng or refìxing suc h new part in t he mot or cyc le, rnotor cycle combin at ion or sidecar . vVe und ertak e subje ct to th e condit ion s mentioned below . t o make good at any t ime withi n six mon ths any defects in these respects. As mot or cycles an d moto r cycle comb ination sare easily lia ble to deran gement by neglect or misuse , th is gua ran tee does not apply t o defects cau sed by wear a nd te ar, mi suse or neglect . The term " misuse " sha ll inc lude amongst others the following ac ts:- 1. The att aching of a sid ecar t o a motor cyc le in a manner ca lculated t o cause da mage or to rend er th e latt er unsafe when ridden. 2. Th e use of a motor cyc le or of a mot or cycle and sideca r combined, wher ca rrying more perso ns or a great er weigh t t han t hat for whi ch t he machin e wa s desi gned by th e ma nu fac tur ers. 3. The attaching of a sideca r t o a mot or cyc le by any form of att achment not pro vided or supplied or ap proved by the manu facturer s, or to a moto r cycl e which is not designed for such use. Any mo tor cycle or mot or cycl e combi natio nor sideca r sen t to us t o be pla t ed, enamell ed, or repair ed will be repair ed upon the following condi t ions, i.e., we guarante eth at all prec aut ions which are usua l and reasonab le have been taken by us to secure excellence of mat er ia lsand wo rkmansh ip, such gua r ant ee to extend a nd be in for ce for thr eemonth s only from t he time such work shall have been execut ed or until th e expi ra tion of the six mont hs, above refer red to, a nd th is guaran t ee is in lieu and in exclusion of an y comm on or la w st atu te , warr anty or condi tion a nd t he dama ges r ecovera ble are limited to th e cost of any fur t her work whi ch may be necessa ry to ame nd and make good th e work found to be defectiv e. CONDI T IONS OF GUARA NTEE. If a defective part should be found in our mot or cycl es, motor cyc le com binat ion sor sideca rs, or in any pa rt supp lied by way of excha nge before referred to, it mu st be sent to us CARRIA(; EPAID, and accomp anied by an int imati onfrom t he sender that he desires to hav e it repa ired or exchan ged fr ee of charge un der our guarant ee, and he mu st also furni sh us at th e same time with th e numb er of th e machine, the nam e of the Dealer from whom he pur chased ,and th e dat e of pur chas e, or t he da t e when the all eged defe cti ve part was exchanged as the case may be. Failing complianc e with the a bov e, no notice will be t ake n of anything which may arriv e, but suc h art icles will lie he re A'f 'fHE RISI{ OF THE SEND ERS. vVe gua rante e on ly those machines whi ch are bough t eith er dir ect from us or from a De aler, who has purchased direct from us, or from a Sub-Deal er who ha s purcha sed fr om hi m, and und er no oth er condi t ion . . · We do not guarante ethe speci alities of oth erfirm s such as tyre s, saddles, chains, lamps etc., nor do we guaran tee any component parts supp lied to th e order of the purchase r differ ing fr om our sta ndard specifica t ions supplied with our motor cyc les, mot or cycle combinatio ns, sidecars , or ot her wise. ' ,.:, 72 \ \ _ f í l ! , i ¡ ! f ,. ! ij I ' i I ì r ! ¡ ¡ I
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