Norton 1961-62 Models Parts Book

lt is .most essent ial that the Engin~ a~d .F~ame Number of the m.achine is stated .. ThE! ¥ ~i :'t ::: Number rs to be found on the tr ansrnìsslon side of the Crankcase dir ectly below cylinder base. <· · Th~ frame number is stamped on the nearside of the frame gusset plate on all models. lt is always i advisable to ord er part s on a separate sheet, and not to include on the same sheet ot her matter of.::.• a different nature; this facilit ates prompt despatch . ,;;;'t: lt is found in a numb er of instance s that money ord ers and post a! orders are sent in carcel A - \ contain ing pat terns; t his is inadvisable. We strong ly reco mmend parts as pat tern s being despatche . ~, . ¡ sep arately, and a covering letter sent cont aining the remitt ance for rep lacement part s. .t"~·:."t:·1:i.···~,.._ ........... ~.( ·-- - -- - -·. - -·--- ... ,. -. . . •.r:~Nl1: 'f?-_.·::.:}f ?!.tF . .:· .. .::..,.:.·., . \~tt~;:t;{ . ..=:·: IN STRUCT IONS FOR ORDERING SPARE PARTS This Spar e Part s List deals with replaceable parts · for Models 88; 99, 650, ES2 and 50 of.1961./i :Î . manufacture. · . • :.;\. . . .>:;.:. ..: RETURNING MACHIN ESFOR OVERHA UL ING Wh en retur ning machines. or parts for repa ir or over haul, these should be sent carriage paid, and with the sender 's name and address in ful, se cur e lyattached. lt is also advisable to state on the ta lly that a lett er has bee n sent respect ing th e part s, and giving the date. Al easily detached fittings should be remove d, such as Lamps, Horns, Tool Bags, Speedom eters, etc .; the se are liable to be lost or damag ed in tr ansit, and the Company .cannot accept any respon sibility for th em. ESTIMATES FOR REPAIRING MACHINES We are always prepa red to give approximat eestimates for the cost of repairs; it is quite im– possible to give a firm quot ation . Additio nal par ts may be found necessary during the proce ss of repa ir, unfor seen when. pre par ing an estimate. Should our estimat e for repair not be accept ed, a charge may be made in accord ance with wor k enta iled in dismantling and re-assembling. When we give an estirpate for cost of repair s, and th is 1.~ cur tailed by the owner, we cannot accept any res– ponsibility for the performance of the machine; it is always prefer able t o accept our estimate in full. PUR CHAS E OF SPARE PARTS Norton Dealers th rougho ut th e Brit ish Isles generally carry "a very comprehensive stock of Norton spare parts and it is recomm ended that owners should obt ain any spare parts requir ed thro ugh them. . The name of the nearest Norto n dealer wil be suppl ied on request and if any difficulty wha t– ever is exp erienced in .obtaln ing spare parts thro ugh a Nort on Dealer, if we are advised, we shall be very pleased to investigate the matte r. lt is our desir e that replacement par t s ar e available to Norton own ers with the least possible delay. · Please note we reser ve the right to alte r the prices in the list at any tim e without not ice. i I I i ., i .1. ' ! 4 l I im.·