Norton 1961-62 Models Parts Book

r i ç : . ,· I ¡ RE GO. TRADE MARK SPARE LIST FOR PARTS 1961/62 !· }· . .: r~ Models ES 2!' ,i O!' 88!' 99!' 650 Std. & De Luxe ; J 1 With Suppl ementary List for Models 88 ss, 99 ss and 650 ss (Pages 54 to 63) ¡ í ·í . PUBLICA'fION PS 214 Price 4s. 6d. All pric es in thi s list are subj ect to 10% surcha r ge except wher e stat ed n ett. NORTON MOTORS LTD. BRACEBRIDGE ST., BIRMINGHAM, 6, ENGLAND ' ' _Jl. ' . ·, ,· '\ '!i. r, £ . I . ,. \ lt Phone Aston Cross 371 (Private Branch Exchange) Grams "Nortomo, Birmingham" .,. ,...... . ""';, ···::':.%;.:,."~~--- ..... J ,. . ,·,:c·, .• .... . .. . ) ' . :·. ·~- - -·-. ·--· _ .. ! .. ' } I ; ·' t