Matchless 1963-65 350cc & 500cc Singles and 500cc & 650cc Twins Parts Book

(I) TERMS OF BUS INESS Our terms aYe:-CASH \ VITH ORDER ,,. CASH AGAINST PRO-FORMA ll'lVOICE , OR APPRO VED LEDGER ACCOUNT. Cust omer swho wish to avoid delay can open deposit accounts and t he usual deposit is £5 Orders from abroad shou ld be accompanie d by a remitta nce to cover t he costs of goods and postal charge s. · W e do not send goo ds by "CASH ON DELIVERY" (C.0.D.). (2) PRIC ES AND SPECJFICATIONS All pric es, specifica t ions and conditions are subje ct t o alt er ation witho ut not ice. The prices of spare s do not include the costs of packing and carriage. (3) CARRIAGE AND PACJ(ING All invoices or spare parts will be SURCHARGED by 7~ PER CENT. to cover the cost of packing and post age, or carriage, and the minimum surcharge is one shilling. (Home ord ers only.) A special packing case, or crat e, is required for some spares t o ensur e freed om from damage in transit . ln such circum st ances a spec ial charge foi· t he value of the case, or crat e, will be made in addition to t he 7 i per cent. sur char ge but the special charge will be cr edited in full if the conta iner is promptly re turn edt o our fact ory carr iage paid and .in good condition. (4) HOW TO ORDER SPA RES STATE:-( a) The Model of t he machine. (b) The complete engine number. (See paragrap h 5.). (e) The frame numbe r. (See paragr aph 5.) (d) The part numbe r of t he spares requ ired . (e) ,!\ desc ript ion of each spare . (f) The quantity required of each item. (g) Ho\<v t he spare s are to be sent. (Post, Parce ls Post , Passeng er Tr ain.) (h) Your full name and address. These par t iculars ar e best wri tt en in BLOCK LETTERS. (i) Mention if, or not , you have an account with us. ALSO:-Unless you have a depo sit or ordi nary account , enclose a remit tance to cover th e cost of th e spares plus t he 71 per cent . · surc harger- .(See paragr aph 3.) When cash is sent any excess will be refun ded without prior application. NOTE:-W hen sending orders by te legrarn or cable do not omit your name and addr essfrom t he message. (5) IDENTI TY To ensure the supp ly of correct spar es it is essent ial we can identif y the machine for whic h they are requi re d. The ONLY WAY t o do t hat is for us to know the COMPLETE ENGINE and fram e numbers. The engine number is stamped on the left side crankcase , under t he cylinder , and may have one or more letters incorporated in it. THE COMPLETE NUMBER MUST BE QUOTED. The frame number is st amped on t he right- hand side of the FRAl'1E HEAD LUG. (6) SERVICE The SERVICE AND REPAIR DEP.ARTMEN T is situ ate d in BURRAGE GROVE, PLUMSTEAD, LON DON , S.E .18, and is open on Mondays to Fridays from 8.30 a.m. to 12.55 p.m.- 2 p.m. t o 5.30 p.m. lt is close d on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays . lt ex ists for t he purpose of:- (a) Giving t echn ical assistance verba lly or through the Post . (b) Supplying spar e parts over t he counter or through the Post. (e) Repair ing and re-conditioning machines, or parts of machines, of our make. If it is considered nece ssary t o bring a machine, or parts, to the factory for an urgent repair IT IS ESSENTIAL you make an appoint- ment beforehand t o avoid disappoint ment . This can be made by letter or telephone. · (7) REPAIRS The instr uctions rega rding repairs shoul d be clear and defin ite, ot herwise t he cost may be greater tha n that expecte d. We shall t),e please d to give estim ates for rep air s if parts are sent to us for that purpose. If t he estimate is accepted, no charge is made for the pre liminary examinat ion, but , should lt be decided not to have the work carri ed out , it may be necessary t o make a charge to cover t he cost of whatev er dismantling and. re-assemb ly may have been done to prepar ethe estimate. (8) REPAIRS TO PROPRIETA RY FITTIN GS We do not repair carbur ett ers, chains, elect rical equipment, saddles, sparking plugs, speedomete rsand tyres. On page 92 of th e "MAiNTEi'JANCE MANUAL AND INSTRUCTION BOOK "will be found the names and addr esses of the manufacturers of t he proprieta ry equipmen t we fit, al of whom service and repair equipment they make. (9) PATTERNS Parts sent t o us as pat t erns, or for repair, should have attached to them a label bearing the sender 's full name and addr ess. The instr uctions regardin g such part s sho uld be sent under separate cover. (IO) GUARANTEE All parts made by us, and sold as spar es, are sub ject to the same Limited Guar ante e as that issued with each new motor cycle and that guarant ee is printed in full on page 98 of t he "MAIJ\ITEN • .ß.NCE MANUAL AND INST RUCT ION BOO K". (It) INSTRUC T!O r-1BOOK A "M A IN TENANCE MANlS.~L Ai\!D INSTRU CTION BOOf(" has bee n compiled and published by us. One copy is supplied fre e, upon receip t of Registration Form with each new motor cycle. Replacement cop ies four shillings and sixpenc e each. ¡, -,