Lucas / Girling Parts Book - 1960-68

HORN 1960-1968 SPECIFICATIONS HORN BRACKET LIGHTING A.J.S. YEAR MAKE AND MODEL (1) 250cc 14 Seeehlre and 14CS Scorpion 1960·61 701461: SWITCHES KNOB, LIGHTING COVER OR IGNITION KNOB CUTOUT (IGNITION) 12) 250cc 14 Sopph I re l 4S Sop ph i re Sports and 14CS Scoroion 1962 7.0163A 54680850 3 350cc l 6C Exoerts 1960·61 069446 703232 31754A 4 350cc 16C Exoerts 1962-63 70163A 54680850 31754A 5 500cc 18 Statesma n 1960·61 70137A 701851 54033109 6 500cc 18 Statesman 1962-65 70163A/ B 54680850 34289A 7 SOOcc 18CS Southerne r 1960·61 70137 A 701851 31784A 351815 543301/34 !54033027 34427B 54336178 8 500cc 18CS Southerner 1962·63 70163A 54680850 31784D 9 500cc 18CS Southerner 1964 70163A/ B 54680850 34289A 10 500cc 18CS Southerne r 196S-66 701630 54680850 317840 ll16SOcc31 Swlft 1960·61. 70137A 7018Sl 54033028 (12) 6SOcc 31 Swift · 1962·63 70163A 54680850 34289A 351815 54330934 54330934 S40330S6 34287.B S4332498 *762040 14 650cc 31 Tourer 1966 701630 34289A 54336178 15\ 650cc 31 De.Luxe 1960·61 70137A 701851 54033028 76204A 13 650cc 31 Swift 1964-65 70159 B/ D 34289A 54330934 S4330934 344278 54336178 *762040 344278 16\ 650cc 31CS and 31CSR Hurricane 1960·61 70137A 701851 317S4A 76204A (17) 650cc 31CS and 31CSR Hurricane 1962·63 70163A 54680850 34289A S4330934 76204lJ *317840 18 650cc 31 CSR Hurricane 1964·65 70159 B/ D 34289A 54330934 762040 lQ 650cc 31CSR Hurricane 1966 701630 34289A S4330934 _ i~2~0Ll-!7~ 5~ 0c~ c~ 3~ 3~ o~n~d~3~3~C~S--- - - - - --L~ l..!.!96~ 5- +'o7~01~5~9 7 B~/D=-+--- --i 1--~34~2~8~9 A--i ¡....:;;54~ 3~3~09~ 3~ 4--l l-- -- .f 21l 750cc 33 and 33CS 1966 70159B/D 34289A 54330934 (22) 750cc 33 and 33CS 1967 70197A 34289A 54330934 762040 B.S.A. (23) 250cc Cl 5 Star and 3S0cc 840 Star 1960·61 70146B S4033004 54033003 54331351 *54330S76 (24) 250cc Cl S Star SS80 Sports Star, 350cc B40 Star and SS90 Sports Star 1962·65 701699 / D 54680850 34289A 54330934 *54330485 S4330934 *54330S76 34427A S4336 l 78. *54330576 125) 250cc ClSS and C15T Comoetition 1960·62 701450 . 312768 762040 26 ·250cc C15S and Cl5T Comoetltìon 1963 701450 31356A . 762040 l27 250cc C15Sa nd C~15~.T!......::C~o~m~o~et~i~ ti~on~- --l -! 1~9~64:!--'- --- --1- --- -4-~3~13~S~6~A~/ ~8:_¡. _¡__:_~'·----1- -----'- "-:..7~6~20 (28) 250cc CJSS and C15T Competition and ,:· 3SOcc8 40ES 1965 31356A/8 (29) 2SOcc Cl S Star, Cl SS Sportsman and 3S0cc 840 Star 1966 70197A 34289A S4330934 34427A 54336178 (30) 2SOcc CIS Star 1967 ì0196 A 34289A 54330934 *54330576 344278 54336178 *S4330516 (31) 250cc Star fi re 250 1967 70197 A 34289A 54330934 _ _ ...._ -'----L---- ~- l-------+---- -l-*54330576 (32) 2SOcc Storfire 250 1968 70197A 35710A 318998 -- ----+-- - - --1-- -- - 318998 (33) 350cc 832 Go.Id Star and Competitio n and 1960·61 069483 700168 31754A SOcc 834 'Gold Star and Comoetit ion (34) 3S0cc 832 Gold Star and Competition and 1962 500cc 834 Gold Star and Comoetitìon 70169A 54680850 31754A 3S 441cc 844 Victor Soeciol 313S68 1966·67 351815 70197A 35710A 318998 . (36) 441cc 844 Victor Special 1968 (37) 441cc Shoo ting-Star 441 1966·6 7 70197A 34289A 54330934 318998 *54330S76 (38) 441 cc Shooting Star - - -4-- 19_6_ 8_~ ·- - 7_ 01_ 9_7_ A _¡_ ..___ 35_ 7_1_ 0_ A_l-- - -- --1- 3- 1_ 8_ 9_ 9_ 8-- (·39) 500cc A7, A7SS Shooting Star and 6SOcc AJO Golden Flash 1960·61 70137A 701851 31754A 76204A (40) 500cc A7, A7SS Shooting Star and 6SOcc A 10 Golden Flas h 1962 70169A 546808SO 3l 754A ::76204D . 31763A .. '. ·.:, __ .._ _,_ ,__ - -+--- ----1----- +- -----< (42) SOOcc ASO Star and 650cc A65 Star 1963·64 70169A 54680850 34289A 54330934 34427A S4336178 · ... (6 volt) • 5433048S (41) SOOcc 834 Gold Star and Competition 1963 70169A 546808SO 351815 {43) 500cc ASO Star and 650cc A6S Star (6 volt) 196S 70186A S4680822 34289A 31071 D (44) 500cc ASO Cyclone and 6SOcc A6S Soitf ire Hornet 1964 31356A/B 54330934 *S4330S76 34427 A 54336178 ..54330576 (4S) SOOcc ASO Cyclone ASOCC Cyclone Clubmon and A502C Cyclone Rood 54680822 34289A 344278 S4336 l 78 *54330576 1965 701 B6A (46) 500cc ASO Wasp and 6S0cc A6S Soi tfire Hornet 1966 54330934 *S4330576 31071 D 701690 34289A S4336178 47 SOO cc ASO Rovo I Star 1966 54680850 *later t Airflow .:t:12 volt tt6 S0cc only *lat er t Airflow :t:Lighting and igni· lion 54330934 318998 •Escutcheon *later plate t Airflow t I o ter ::); Non· starter version only * Escutcheo n *When piote fitted :,,. \ ';····