BSA Gold Star 500cc Parts Book

r ""' ·, 1 ì ST ANDA RDBOLTS. All Bó lt s are e.E.I. unless ot her wise stat ed. Lengt h Thic kness Lengt h Part No. under H ead. of Head . of Thread. Across Flats . Diameter. I ' ¡ 2- 14 1 : 1/32h 3/16" 13/16" .440 11 Hex. 1/4" 2j 04 1/2" 3/ 16" 1/2" .440 He x. 1/4" ¡ 2- 20 3/8 11 3/16 11 3/8" .440" Hex. 1/4" l 2- 1354 .641" .187 11 .641" .440" Hex . 1/4 11 2- 1402 7/8 11 1/8" 3/8" .440 11 Hex. .. 1/4 11 I 2- 2273 7 ¡ l 6 11 . . 5/32" 3/8" .440" Hex. 1/4" I 24- 225 .750 11 .187" 3/8" . . .440 11 Hex. 1 /4" 1-5 069 .625" .187" .625" .525" Hex. 5/16" 2- 129 .750" .250" .625 11 .440" H ex. 5/16 11 2- 1934 .750" .156 11 .625" .440" Hex. 5/16 11 I 2- 6026 1.187" .156" .625" .440" Hex. 5/ 16" 15-4 80 1.109" .250 11 .781" .525 11 Hex . 5/ l 6" I 15- 1355 1.500" .218" .625" .525 11 Hex. 5/ 16" I I 15- 7354 .625 11 .156" .625" .440 11 Hex. 5/16" I I 27- 6311 . '· .750" .125" . 625" .440" Hex. 5/16" 28- 2338 .718" .218" .687" .525" Hex. 5/16" 24- 649 .877 11 .187" .877 11 .594" Hex . 3/8'' 65-4 185 2.687" . 250" .750 11 .504" H ex. 3/8" ': "; :- ' :.:~f· .' :; All Bolt s ar e e .E.I. (Scr ewd r'ìver slot t ed)un less ot h erwis esta t ed. -- -- Lengt h Thickness Lengt h Part No. under H ead. of }lead. of Thread. Across Head. Diameter. 1- 4806 .500" .125" .500" .312 11 3/16" 3- 360 .406 11 .078" .. .406" .312" 3/16" 2-49 8 .312" .062" .312 11 .312" 3/16" wnu. 2- 1309 .343" .062" .343" .312" 3/16" 2- 2582 .343" .125" .343" .250" 3/16" ' ~'hit . 24- 7065 .250" .062" .250" .312" 3/ 16" 2- 77 .312" .062 11 .312" .375" 1/4" 2- 79 : .500" .. 109" .500 11 .375 11 1/4" 2- 510 .656" .093" .375" .375" 1 /4 11 2- 1500 ..687'' . .109" .375" .375" 1 /4" 2- 2210 .718" .062" .562" .562" 1/4 11 2- 3718 .656" .109" .656" . 375" 1/4''. 15- 7161 .500 11 .125 11 .312" .500" I /'1 11 2-2980 1.25" .93" .625" .562" 5/16" - -- -- ( STAN DARDNUT S. All Nu ts ar e e .E.I. u nle ss other wi sesta t ed. Pa rt No. Across Flats. Thi ckness. Size. Part No. Across Flats. Th ickness. Size. 1- 4616 .340" Hex. . I 62" 3/16" 2- 1813 .594' 1 Hex. . 218" 3/8" 2- 47 .312" He x. .140" 3/16' 1 3-72 0 . 594 Hex . .187" 3/8" 2- 1588 .255" Hex . . 11O'' 3/ l 6" 24- 5161 .594 11 Hex. .343" 3/8 11 15- 8147 .340" Hex . .125" 3/ l 6" 24- 5764 .. .782 11 Hex . .312" 3/8' 1 25- 7151 .340 11 Hex. .187 11 3/16" 2--440 .594' 1 Hex. .312" 7/16 11 1- 6032 .340" Hex . 3/ l 6" 1/4" ,. 2- 933 .525 11 Hex. .375" 7 fl 6 11 2- 51 .440" Hex. .250" 1 /4" 2- 1925 .782" He x. .375" . 7/ 16 11 2- 53 •! • .440" Hex. .109" 1/4 11 Wh it. 15- 152 .592 11 Hex . .406" 7/ 16" 2- 4<13 .440" I'1ex. .109 11 1/4" I 15- 541 .782 11 Hex, .281" 7/ 16" 2- 1027 .340" Hex. 1 /8 11 1/4 11 24- 5860 .594" Hex. .187" . 7/ l 6 11 2- 2395 .440" Hex. .187 11 1/4" 25- 4325 .919" }lex. .540!1 7/ 16' 1 2--49 .525" Hex. .218 11 5/ l 6" 2- 52 .919" Hex. .406" l/2" 2- 833 .440" Hex. .343 11 .. 5/1S1' 2- 124 .782" Hex. .203 11 1 /2" 2- 1616 .440 11 H ex. .125" 5116 11 24- 7000 .782 11 Hex. :250 11 1/2" , 15- 5196 .525" Hex. .281 f f 5/16!/ 27- 6716 .782" Hex. .187" 1/2" 15- 6524 .525!1 Hex. .175" 5/16" 2- 835 .919" Hex. .375 11 9/ 16" 24-5 63 .440" Hex. .187'' 5/16" 15- 1455 .782" Hex. .218 11 9/16 11 24- 6040 .525!1 Hex. .156" 5116" 24- 4255 .919" Hex . .187' 1 9/16" I 1- 1706 .594" Hex. .250" 3/8" 28- 53 .782!/ Hex. .344" 9fl 6" 2-4 6 .594" Hex. .312 11 3/8 11 - 51 I . I