BSA 1972 500cc Models Parts Book

OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTORS QATAR SABAH Brunei .. ST. LUCIA ( Windwards) ST . VINCENT (Windwards) SAMOA •• .. SA.RA\ VAK SAUDI ARAB IA .. SEYCHE LLE S • • .. SENEGAL (Republic) SIERR ALE ONE SINGAP OR E •• . . REPU BLICOF SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN . . SUDAN S\ VEDEN SWITZ ERLAND .. . . .. . . . . SYRIA TAN 'ZANIA THA ILAND TONGA TRINI DAD TUNIS IA .. TURK EY .. UGANDA . . . .. . . . . . . • • • • . . UNITED STAT ES OF AME RIC A: Eas t Coast . . . . West Coast (including Alaska) URUGUAY VENEZ UELA •• • • • • .. • • • • VIRGIN ISLAND S: British . . . . . . • • u.s ZAMB IA .. • • . . • • • • Darwish Automobiles, P.O. Box 40, Doha-Qatar, Arabian Gulf. Har risons & Crosfield Limited, 1-4 Gr eat Tower Street, London E.C.3. Operating thro ugh: P.O. Box 22, Kota -Kinabalu; P.O. Box 131 and 132, Sandakan ; P.O. Box 7, Labuan ; P.O. Box 5 Tawau . P.O. Box 25, Brunei; P.O. Box 16, Kuala Belait, State of Bru nei. Peter & Company, Castries. Cor ea & Compan yLimited, P.O. Box 122, Bay Street, Kings town. Morri sHeds tr omLimited, Apia. Kion Seng Har dware Sdn. BHD, P.O. Box 1079, Kuc hing. Ebra himAbdullah Juffali & Bros., P.O. Box 297, Jed dah . Mahe Tra ding Limited, Victoria, Mahe, The UnitedAfr ica Motors Limited, P.O. Box J, Unit ed Afr icaHouse,Blackfriars Road, London S.E.1. Operatin gthr ough: Nouvelle Societe Comme rcialeAfr icaine, P.O. Box 397, Dakar. F rench West Africa Comp any, P.O. Box 70, F reetown. Cycle & Carr iage Comp anyLimited, P.O. Box 142, Orcha rd Road, Singapore . AMD (Pty) Ltd., P.O. Box 2964, 143 Main Str eet, Johann esbur g. Movilauto, Bravo Mu rillo 36, Madrid . George Jerdjian & Sons, P.O. Box 269, Khartoum. AB.E. Fleron, P.O. Box 18.6-S201 21 Malmo. Ho stettler A.G., Postfa ch150, Sur see . Van Leisen S.A., 34 Ru e de la Synagogue, Geneva. M. Cha fik el Khiami, Rue el Nasr 169, Damascus. Interna tiona lMo torMart Limited, P.O. Box 9060, Dar -es-Salaam. Watan a Yont a Compa ny, 931/ 6-7 Rama Ist Road, Pathoornwan, Bangkok. E. M. Jones, P.O . Box 34, Nu kualofa, Tonga Islands. J. K. Bayne Limite d, 19 Richmond Street, Port of Spain . Sotudiem, 35 Ru e de Marseille, Tun is. Turkish Aut omobileTr adeCompany, Hezaren Caddesi No. 61-63, P.0 .BoxKarako y237, Karakoy Istan bul. The Uganda Company (Trading) Limited, P.O. Box 7001, Ka mpala. The Bìnn ingham Sma ll Arm s Company , I ncorp orated, BSA Sales Division, P.O . Box 6790, Towson, Baltimore , Maryland21204 The Birmingham Small Arrns Compa ny, Incorpor ated, BSA Sales D ivision, P.O. Box 337, Du arte, Califor nia 91010 Linn & Cia. S.A., Casilla Correo 1027, Montevideo. Moto Palace C.A., Edificio Oriol Avenue el Progreso Urb , Ias Acacias, Caracas. B. J. Jelpke Limited, 312 York Ro ad, London S.W.18. H. Rhude! Wh ite, P.O. Box 622, St. Thomas. AndersonEnterp rises Limited, P.O. Box 1868, Lusaka. 86