BSA 1954-55 CB32 & CB34GS Parts Book

CATALOGUE OF Motor Cycles All communication s r elating to Spare Part s or Repairs to. Motor Cycles to be addressed to B.S.A. Motor Cycles Ltd. Service Department, Birmingham, 11 B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD. Direaors : S1R BE RNAR D Do cKER, !CB .E., (Chairma11) J- L EEK , C.ß.E . J. A. T. DI CKINSON , O.B.E, H . G AYDON . H. J. S~!ITH Registered Offices and T¥ orks Tel epho;1es: BIRMINGHA M VICTORIA 238 1 (30 lines) ARMOURY ROAD, BIRMI NGHAM, 1 Telegrams and Cables: SELMOTO, BIRMINGHAM" Ser vice,Spa res and Repairs De partmen t Tetephones : VICtoria 2234 (6 lines ) Tel egrams aad Cables t, "SELS ERV BIRMINGHAM'' Con tractors t o H el· Majesty' sGove r nm ent,t he War Office, the Admíratty, the P ost Ofñce, the Colonial and Fore ign Governrn ents MC714-8 Copyright B.S.A. C9. Lt d,' Printed in E ng/a11d A1 g. 1955