BSA 1940 Models Parts Book

Help yourse lve s by he lping us to expedit eorders promptly and ef í ìc ìe nt lv . SA MOTORCYCLES vVhc n co nsul tin g yo ur BSA o art s bo oks for cart number s, ch eck cer efu l lv to :;e su re you hav e wr ít t e n the pe rt nc mbe r s corre c t ly . BS.i\ par t numbers are CO:Tl– pose àof two d iç í t s , a àa sh, and at least fou r d ì ç ìt s folloìl'1ing.· Oc ce s ìo ne ll y . the re w i l l be a six dig it nu mbe r Io l lowe d by a slash mark and then on e dig it, two digi ts, or thr ee di git s. f or . examp le , BSA part nu rnb e r s may be corr cc t l y lis ted as fol lo ws: 67-0949 42-6528/88 97-3896/3 97-3795/177 I1 owever , diffe ren t. some of th e older part s book s may show the part numbers entire ly For example, ther eare listings as follows: 2-525 40-24 2-49 6 7-94 9 In all ca ses, BSA pa rt numb ers must be ente red on your parts orders with two digits, a dash , and at least fou r digits following .When you look up a SSA part number in a BS.A. part s book, . and ìt do e s not show tv.. ro digit s, a àash, . ' ~ · .· and at lea st four d.igits, it wí l l be · nec essary to .corivert the numbe r to thi s form, to eithe ren t er thé pa rt 'numbe r corre ct ly on your parts ord e r, or to ••• •• o assist you in look ing up a price in this Price Lis t. To convert th e old part number, fíll in the mi ss in g digit s wi th zeros : 2- 525 2-49 4 0-24 67-949 shou ld be should be 02- 0525 02- 004 9 40- 0024 should be shoul d be 67-0949 TRI u·M p·ff> · . ._,_~ . -~ ~ MOTORCYCLES PART NUMBER CONVERSION ln l 9ì3 Triumph introduced a numerica l pa rt number íng system which supersedes the old alphan ume r ic nt,rn hering system . Prefix letters hav e been converted to numeric prefixes as fo Il o vvs: ALPHA-NUMER IC ox xxx EX XXX { 4 Digits) EXXXXX (5 Dígits) FXXXX (4 Digits ) F XX XX X ( 5 Digits ) HXXXX sxxxx TX XXX wxxxx CONVERTS TO NUM-ERIC 60 -XXXX 70-XXXX 71-XXXX 82-XXXX 83-XXXX 97-XXXX 21-XXXX . 57-XXXX 37-XXXX . . This chart is sup pl ied (3S an aid to conver t inq olde rAlpha-f\Jum eric part numbers.