1972 750cc T150 Parts Book

INTRODUCTION The Triumph Enginee ring Co. Ltd. point out that the information conta ined in this catalog was comp lete and cor rect at t he time of printing . Distr ibutors will be informed of any subs equent alteratio ns. A plast ic binder, of the t ype used for Workshop Manuals, is available to enable th is catalog and all other 1972 season catalogs to be bound into one unit. GUARANTEE Please refer to your local dealer or distrib uto r for the latest t erms of guarant ee. Eastern U.S.A. Distributo r: Triumph Motorcycle Corporat ion, P.O . Box 6790, Towson, Balt imore 4, Maryland 21204. Telex- . Tricor Bait. 87728 Teleph _one-30 1- 252- 1700 West ern U.S.A. Distributor : Triumph Motorcycl e Corporatio n, P.O. Box 2765, East Hunti ngto n Drive, Duart e, Califor nia 91010. Telex- Tricor Duarte 675469 Telephone-2 13- 359- 322.1 213-68 1-0 255 ENGINE AND FRAME NUMBERS The engine number is locate d on the left side of the engine, immediat ely below th e cylinder barrel to crankcase flange. The frame number is locate d on the left side of t he frame headlug, beneath the fork top lug and forward of t he gasoline tank. , Both the engine and frame numbe r shou ld be quot ed in full ln any correspo ndence relating to the machine. . ' ,. . 1, 2 " '