1969 BSA B44 Shooting Star Parts Book

CATALOG UE OF FOR 844 SHOOTING STAR ISSUED BY B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD. Servic e I Department, Armoury Birmingham 11 Road, TELEPHONE TELEGRAMS 021-772-2381 "SEL. MOTO ·BIRMINGHAM" Registered Offìces and \IVorl<s: ARMOURY ROAD. BIRMINGHAM 1 Telephone: 021-771°2381 Telegrams oná Cables: "SELMOTO BIRMINGHAM" Cont racl:oro to Her Majest y's Go•1er nment , t he War Offlc<il, the Adml r~.lt y, the Post Office , t he Colonial and Forcaig11 Gove rnments Publlcatlon Reference 00-5706- July, I 'J69, Printed ln England by 8.S.A. Press I ~ j. !