1962 BSA A7 / A10 Parts Book

ISSUED BY CATALOGU E OF B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD. Service Department, Waverley Works, Birmingham, 10 TELEPHONE . TELEGRA MS ... . . . BIRMINGHAM VICTOR IA 3711 • "SELSERV" BIRMINGHAM B.S.A. MOTOR CYCLES LTD. \ Registered Offices and Works: ARMOURY ROAD, BIRMINGHAM 1 Telephones: BIRMINGHA M VICTORIA. 2381 Telegrams and Cables: "SELMOTO BIRMINGHAM" Cont ractors t o Her Majest y'sGov er nm ent, the War O ffice, t he Admir alt y, the Post O ffice, the Co lon ial and Fore i1n Gover nments . MC 1315-3 Printed in Enc/and Sept., 196/